Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Just when we thought it was safe to put away the Tylenol...

Just when we thought it was safe to put away the Tylenol...

...a stinkin' little tooth decides to make an appearance. Sorry Jacob. No rest for the weary.

So... we will have to give Jacob's liver a break from pain meds in another couple of days.

  • But hey - Jacob's first tooth! Yay
  • And hey - two weeks out from surgery and no need for Tylenol (except for the occasional dose for the tooth)!! Yay

Many apologies, I have no photo of said tooth (yet). Jacob is a master at maneuvering his lips and tongue to keep it safely out of sight.


  1. Yay! Jacob's first tooth! Two weeks out and no pain meds for that--that is a big deal. Love you all, Auntie B and Uncle Fun

  2. Thanks for the update! I was having S.E.R.I.O.U.S. Jacob withdrawal symptoms!!!!!!! LovYa, Aunt Mingin

  3. but you can surely feel it, sharp lil chooper...lateral incisor, bottom left...did you know tooth enamel is he hardest substance in the body?

  4. A tooth! Yay! I too was having withdrawals from the updates, glad to hear everyone is doing well.
