Friday, May 11, 2012

FAQ ....when will you be going home?

Answer: We don't know.

There are two things to address before we can go home.

A) Remove the drainage tubes (currently draining fluid from his chest). In order for this to happen, Jacob's chest has to stop draining - I know this is a little gross. Then they will pull them out and then we will be here another 24 to 48 hrs after that for observation and follow-up chest X-rays to confirm said fluid is no longer building up.

B) Get the whole feeding, pooping, pain med balance sorted out. This is a longer story and not sure it's worth writing about except to say we're getting there.

Friday (today) was a good day. We are now successfully (so far) off the IV pain meds and taking oral meds. The morning was a little rough but Jacob got through it and this afternoon with some of the heavy medication fog lifting he really started to act like his old self.

So for about 3 hours this afternoon Jacob and dad played together and mom took a nap. That was a win. Also. Today was Chic-fil-A day and we got free chicken sandwiches. Win. Also. Jacob pooped two more times. Win. Win.



  1. Lookin' good bug-a-boo, and I recognize some playing antics I have seen before. I bet it feels great to have the restraints off. This must make mommy and daddy pretty happy. Your stockings today are even more of a fashion statement than yesterday. You are one cool dude. These pics make us smile. Love you all, Auntie B and Uncle Fun

  2. WOW! No oxygen! In his regular clothes! Playing with toys and books! Being held by Mommy! Jacob, you are well on your way home! It is soooooooo close! You all are doing great! :) And Jacob is looking as cute as ever! Hugs!
