Wednesday, June 20, 2012

So What about those Milestones

We hear there is a conspiracy out there about too much emphasis on some milestones ...making good parents of fabulous kids freak out unnecessarily about....what? I don't know. This conspiracy I believe is propagated by baby books and magazines that no longer exist in our house so we can't speak to the specifics.

We *can* speak to milestones. Well, our version.

Jacob has been racking them up in the last couple weeks! We doubt these milestones are on any of the lists in those books. We aren't sure why not.



  1. soo veryy cute:) and sarah, you're mistaken, i'm your second cousin once removed and by marriage;) lol!

  2. Ahhh... I remember my own first party on an island of meese...

  3. Keep racking up those milestones and experiences. Many more to come and lots more fun.
    Love you, Bug-A-Boo

  4. And by "licking" the icing. . . are you referring to his big toe?
