Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Rock and Roll

Big News!

This past weekend, Jacob’s house was again hosting fabulous visitors.  Auntie B, Uncle Fun and Great Grandma drove from Florida (Florida!) to visit.  We could say they came to visit the whole Baltimore crew but we all know the truth, we know who the big draw is.  And we completely understand.  Jacob’s Journal can only do so much in tempering the worry from afar.  Being able to squeeze our rapidly recovering superstar in person does wonders to wash the worries away.

To make the trip doubly worthwhile, Jacob decided to master some new tricks for his visitors.  Ladies and gentlemen…. we learned how to roll !! 

Sure, Jacob has rolled before.  Once in a great while he would perform a singular roll from back to front by himself (and then promptly get mad) or if the stars were perfectly aligned from front to back (this one like maybe twice ever prior to Saturday).  And of course he has rolled with prompting and help from mom and dad daily and with his therapists twice a week. 

But self-initiated rolling… all the way over…  all by himself...  over and over and over and over…   unbeknownst to us, he saved that up special for the Florida audience.  On Saturday, the show began.  Woo hoo Jacob!!!  

Note:  Apparently having your hand in your mouth is critical for this trick.  Who knew?


  1. Awesome rolling. Also nice theme song.

    1. thanks! (well i can't take credit for the rolling- but the music - glad you like it... do you have any idea how hard it is to find royalty free background music that doesn't lock up youtube viewing? - it''s just silly difficult)

    2. Actually, there are several sites that have this. My favorite is Freeplay music - . Have fun! Kristin

  2. Great video clips and great tunes--go together perfectly. He was on a "roll" so to speak. Loved reliving those moments. Had a fabulous visit and were excited to spend time with all three of you.
