Friday, June 8, 2012

Six Nine Eleven : Jacobs Birthday

Jacob is a year old. I know, we can't believe it either. Really? A year?

And this is where we will concede a parent fail. We planned no party. There is no 1st birthday bash on the docket.

Somehow that fell off the list of things to worry about, although it might have dangled there at the end for awhile before it completely disappeared. I guess that's what happens when you have open heart surgery within a month of your 1st birthday. You don't get a party. Someone should have explained this to Jacob, he may have opted to reschedule.

Nevertheless. The boy child is one year old and that's really something. Isn't it?

Happy Birthday Bug-a-boo!

...and on the chance anyone is out there worrying about poor Jacob with no birthday party....don't. he is as spoiled as ever. he's still having a fabulous time playing with all the new wonderful and generous get-well/hospital gifts he was given and there will be no doubt be a string of small informal birthday gatherings...dinners, cookouts, picnics where he will be the center of attention.... shocking. also. grandma g sang happy birthday day to him *all* day yesterday and grandma r is gearing up to spoil him all day today. he's really fine.

Not to mention the guilt will get to his parents eventually... look out Birthday #2!


  1. Happy birthday!!!!!!

  2. Happy Birthday Jacob!!!! Love the Pic!
    Love, Uncle Tom, Aunt Stacy, and your big cousin Jonah.

  3. Happy very belated Birthday to Jacob! Claire didn't have a first birthday party either and I don't have a good excuse like you. Like Jacob she did enjoy some icing :o)
    Hope you are well.
