Wednesday, June 27, 2012

1st Birthday Recap

Right. If you remember Jacob's parents did not plan a big birthday bash for him. I know. Terrible.

However, Jacob did have two nice family birthday gatherings. One at his Grandma R's house and one hosted by Aunt Stacy and Grandma G. Both were fabulous. He loved being the center of attention. You know, because that's new. And he got lots of fun new toys. Happy happy (!). And he got to taste a little icing. Big stuff.  Thank you, thank you to both Grandmas and Aunt Stacy for hosting!

Also. Jacob got so distracted by his new toy train that he didn't realize that Mom let go and he sat up by himself for a whole 5 seconds! Check him out. Big boy!


Wednesday, June 20, 2012

So What about those Milestones

We hear there is a conspiracy out there about too much emphasis on some milestones ...making good parents of fabulous kids freak out unnecessarily about....what? I don't know. This conspiracy I believe is propagated by baby books and magazines that no longer exist in our house so we can't speak to the specifics.

We *can* speak to milestones. Well, our version.

Jacob has been racking them up in the last couple weeks! We doubt these milestones are on any of the lists in those books. We aren't sure why not.


Friday, June 8, 2012

Six Nine Eleven : Jacobs Birthday

Jacob is a year old. I know, we can't believe it either. Really? A year?

And this is where we will concede a parent fail. We planned no party. There is no 1st birthday bash on the docket.

Somehow that fell off the list of things to worry about, although it might have dangled there at the end for awhile before it completely disappeared. I guess that's what happens when you have open heart surgery within a month of your 1st birthday. You don't get a party. Someone should have explained this to Jacob, he may have opted to reschedule.

Nevertheless. The boy child is one year old and that's really something. Isn't it?

Happy Birthday Bug-a-boo!

...and on the chance anyone is out there worrying about poor Jacob with no birthday party....don't. he is as spoiled as ever. he's still having a fabulous time playing with all the new wonderful and generous get-well/hospital gifts he was given and there will be no doubt be a string of small informal birthday gatherings...dinners, cookouts, picnics where he will be the center of attention.... shocking. also. grandma g sang happy birthday day to him *all* day yesterday and grandma r is gearing up to spoil him all day today. he's really fine.

Not to mention the guilt will get to his parents eventually... look out Birthday #2!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Rock and Roll

Big News!

This past weekend, Jacob’s house was again hosting fabulous visitors.  Auntie B, Uncle Fun and Great Grandma drove from Florida (Florida!) to visit.  We could say they came to visit the whole Baltimore crew but we all know the truth, we know who the big draw is.  And we completely understand.  Jacob’s Journal can only do so much in tempering the worry from afar.  Being able to squeeze our rapidly recovering superstar in person does wonders to wash the worries away.

To make the trip doubly worthwhile, Jacob decided to master some new tricks for his visitors.  Ladies and gentlemen…. we learned how to roll !! 

Sure, Jacob has rolled before.  Once in a great while he would perform a singular roll from back to front by himself (and then promptly get mad) or if the stars were perfectly aligned from front to back (this one like maybe twice ever prior to Saturday).  And of course he has rolled with prompting and help from mom and dad daily and with his therapists twice a week. 

But self-initiated rolling… all the way over…  all by himself...  over and over and over and over…   unbeknownst to us, he saved that up special for the Florida audience.  On Saturday, the show began.  Woo hoo Jacob!!!  

Note:  Apparently having your hand in your mouth is critical for this trick.  Who knew?

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Paper Trail from the Pediatrician

This week Jacob had an appointment at the pediatrician's. The last of the 'follow-up' appointments. We could say there was a lot for them to check into but really I think they just wanted to see him for themselves. We, of course, were in contact with his pediatrician the week we were in the hospital and she's been tracking his progress through other doctors notes in the system but this was the first time she had seen him since the surgery.

He made her smile. Can you imagine?

(oh and the appointment went well too. all good. back to only well baby visits in our future!)

Jacob would jump in here to say that wasn't the best part. Visiting the pediatrician's is big fun for Jacob. There really are few things more fabulous than being able to wiggle around on an exam table that is entirely covered with paper that crinkles. The whole table. The paper crinkles with every wiggle (!) It is un-Beeeee-lievable. It really is the best. Jacob would strongly suggest you try it.

This time on our way out I ripped off a big chunk of the paper from the exam table and took it with us. You know, 'cause that's the kind of mom Jacob has.


And just in case you thought it was a short lived fascination... No.

Jacob played with his crinkly paper from the Drs office the rest of the day. He had Ms Em laughing about it all day. He played with it until it had no crinkle left! He is dedicated to his fun, I tell you. Not easy wearing a piece of paper out.