Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Patience of Jacob

Jacob's Journal has been a bit neglected lately because, well, Jacob's parents are a little insane. Mid-summer and we have been out of town, had family visiting, or been in town but at activities that had us out of the house all day for weeks on end. Jacob patiently tolerates being drug along wherever his parents take him next. Safe to say there is no grass growing under any of our feet.

In the last three weeks alone, Jacob has been to Maine...




... and then Ohio...(Happy Congrats to Cuz Nichole and new hubby Adam!)



... and then Washington DC (for the National Down Syndrome Convention, thank you very much).




Stay tuned. If we manage to get a little time at home, we will get back to Journal keeping!




1 comment:

  1. You are a trooper in keeping up with mommy and daddy but from the pics riding in the car is like home--sleep, eat, and play--where you can do it all. Love, Auntie B and Uncle Fun
