Friday, April 13, 2012

Cardiologists, Urologists, and Nephrologists... Oh My!

As you might imagine.... Jacob's "team" is in full gear dotting i's and crossing t's. This week we had a follow up with his cardiologist to discuss the cath results in further detail and talk about the upcoming surgery.

Urology was also on the list this week which went well. Per the doc we aren't going to fuss about the fact that he had two UTI's ...(not until the kidney stones are resolved since they can be a major contributor of bacteria and might likely be the cause). We like when docs don't want to fuss about things. We have enough to fuss about. Plus we haven't seen a UTI for weeks so we can always hope it stays that way.

Next up nephrology and neurology... and based on the email traffic today between the cardiologist, pulmonologist, and GI...I suspect we will be seeing GI soon too. Just making sure there are no concerns for his surgery.

Line 'em up. We're ready. Jacob has no qualms about tooling around Hopkins in his stroller visiting all his friends.

1 comment:

  1. We are rooting for you, bug-a-boo. You look cool in your digs and mode of transportation as you make your rounds at the hospital. Keep those docs all in line. We love you! Auntie B and Uncle Fred
